One thing about me that you will soon learn is that I
loooovee Pinterest. It does not matter what your interest is, you will
certainly find inspiration and ideas that apply to you. I have even found some
really great inspirational quotes including this awesome
quote from Steve Jobs that I had to share because I believe it is
so true.
Everyone has heard the saying by Confucius or at least a similar version “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” and I believe that it is the truth. Even though I am a pharmacist and went though many tough semesters in pharmacy school, I still am looking to find a career that I love and am passionate about. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being a pharmacist and I do like my job and the people that I work with but it is not my passion.
On my way to work one morning I listened to Steve Jobs’
commencement speech for Stanford University and hearing it put tears in my
eyes. He made so many great points and everything that he said made me feel like he was speaking directly to me. I encourage you to listen to it because I feel the message can have a
profound impact on everyone, no matter their situation.
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
I have this burning desire to do something different and every day it grows bigger and burns deeper in my chest. I have always had the desire to find a career that I was
passionate about but I find it hard to let go of the rational side of me. I
love music, singing, and dancing but as much as I love them I know that I would
not have had a stable career pursuing those interests. I lived in fear and chose the safe path. Not to say pharmacy school was easy because it was by far one of the hardest things I had to do in my life but it was safe and stable. I feared the consequences of taking a chance and doing what I enjoy and am passionate about.
Others may look at me and see “successful”. I graduated high
school; I have a pharmacy degree, a good paying job, a house, and a wonderful family. I’m
sure those around me see what I have and say "She did it, she is successful" but in reality I long for more, something else. If I have to leave my daughter to go
to work, I want it to be work that I am proud of and that makes me happy, not
what others view as good work.
All my life those around me stressed the importance of having a degree and a good paying job but what is
good for one may not be good for another. I have learned that I need to stop
playing by the rules of others and do what makes me happy and feel good. I
should not feel guilty about not being happy in my situation just because of
how others may view me. I’ve spent so much time doing what I felt I was
“supposed” to do that I didn’t stop and learn what is right for me. Sometimes I
feel as though I am lacking a complete sense of identity because I have been so
busy doing what others tell me I should do. I honestly have not taken enough time to reflect and get to know the real
me. Who
am I? If someone asked me that question I probably wouldn’t know how to answer.
How many of you have let this happen in your life? Do you
enjoy what you are doing? Are you doing what makes you happy? Do you even know
what makes you happy? Have you taken the time to get to know yourself?
I encourage you to take time out to get to know yourself right along with me because the only way to determine what is good work for you is to know what makes you happy and keeps you excited.
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